America and meddlesomeness seem to go hand in glove but Obama's Brexit intervention is as egregious as it gets even by American standards.
As if taking sides wasn't bad enough, he found the gall to threaten Brits into voting NO and went about it like he was dishing out the next best thing since the Gettysburg address.
Good ol' Hilary just had to get in on the show.
What America is asking the Brits to do is something it will NEVER consider, allow millions of Mexicans to come streaming across the border, snatching up jobs as they go and leaving disgruntled Americans in their wake.
Will America cede its legislative autonomy to an unelected body of whatever-they-are sitting in Canada?
The loss of jobs is not the only concern, nay, many everyday Brits are concerned about the social upheaval that inevitably follows industrial scale migration but they won't speak out for fear of being tagged xenophobes.
The whole thing just doesn't make sense - at least on the British side, it's as clear as daylight on the other side of the pond, self interest.
Why will any right-thinking, beer-quaffing, Royal-worshipping Brit cravenly submit to the Germans and their puppets in Brussels?
You never know with these people, Neville Chamberlain was voted prime minister you know.... and Cameron.
P.S - The London mayor is a man whose writings i so love to read, I think he's 21st century Mark Twain but Boris Johnson's 'part-kenyan' jab at Obama was a pretty low blow.
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