Friday, 15 April 2016

Man finds huge snake lurking in the attic while cleaning out his house

Micky Martin, 50, was carrying out a house cleaning at his property in Sussex when he got the fright of his life. Inside an airing cupboard in the attics, he found a huge, 13ft Burmese Python.
Mick said: "I opened the cupboard door and nearly jumped out of my skin. Its head started to move which was when I realised it was real.
"It's safe to say I shut the door rather quickly and kept a close eye on it. I rang the RSPCA but they couldn't get anyone out there.
"They asked me how big it was but it was all coiled up and I said I didn't want to get too close to measure it."
Mick contacted Hastings Reptile Rescue run by Catherine Payne and Kenneth Harris. 
Catherine said: "We had been told it was a big snake but we were certainly not expecting a beautiful 13ft albino Burmese python to be coiled up in a tiny cupboard with no heat and water.
"We transported her back to our home. After inspection she seems healthy enough bar being a bit dehydrated and under-fed.
"She's a little nervous but is generally a lovely snake. She is doing well and settling into a much bigger living space now."

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