This is a wild act - literally. The Eurovision contest is on in Tel Aviv, Israel and as far as shock value goes, give it up for Ivan 'the rock star'. The 21-year-old from Belarus sings surrounded by a pack of wild wolves.
He begins his act with a primal howl at the moon, perhaps a salute to his vulpine companions.
He begins his act with a primal howl at the moon, perhaps a salute to his vulpine companions.
The young singer, full name Alexander Ivanov, has forged quite a bond with the wolf he named Shakira even though things didn't get off to a great start.
'Every first encounter with any wild animal is a little bit scary,' he said.
'It doesn't matter if it's trained or untrained, the danger is real and there.
'She was scared. I was scared. We didn't know each other.'
'Now, thank God, all is much better. I can stroke her calmly and walk around with her,' he said.
'It's very important that they get used to you and that you get used to them.
'They have to get used to your smell so that they can identify you. Shakira prefers the smell of aftershave or the smell of washing powder.
'She loves it! Normally animals like more natural types of smell, but she loves these.
'In any case, we are lucky with her'.
any case, we are lucky with her,'
And while critics have slammed Ivan for his decision to perform naked, branding it a publicity stunt, Ivan said the nudity is actually conducive to her personal safety.
'We went over various options for outfits,' he said. 'But when I am onstage with a wolf, dressed in fur and leather, I look like a hunter.
And that kills any sense of unity I have with her.
'So it seems to me if you're wearing something, the wolf already doesn't trust you.'
Hopefully, she won't look at him one cold, winter night and see a tasty morsel.
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